Author Topic: Meteoros/80/fury warr  (Read 15139 times)


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Meteoros/80/fury warr
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:26:27 PM »
1.  What is your gender, age, and real first name?

Male,tony,age 19

2.  What is the name, class, level, and spec of your main and Armory Link. Please also list any alts you frequently play.

Meteoros/80/fury warr

3.  Give us an idea of your prior raid experience in WoW.

ICC 10m-25m to saurfang
TOC 10m-25m complete
ulduar 10 m to the cat lady

4.  Please list your previous guilds and reasons for leaving them.  If you'd prefer to keep the reasons private, please PM the reasons to one of our officers.

No previous guilds but im in one currently called cursed but its noobish.

5.  Please list any members of Serenity Now that you know.

Prolly someone but i cant think of  anyone  other then shatted if hes in it.

6. Computer Hardware and Connection.

a. Processor: pentium(R) dualcore T4300 @ 2.10ghz
b. System Ram: 3.00gb
c. Video Card: intel graphics media accelerator 4500m
d. Connection: 100mbs comcast
e. How stable is your internet? Does it disconnect you a lot, or hardly ever? hardly to never

7.  Do you have a microphone to talk on Ventrilo?

8.  Can you make all of the following raid times, invites usually go out at 7:00 PM CST (Server Time) with the first pull at 7:30 PM CST. (Our raids generally last 3-4 hours)?

Yeah, i can make it all the time. no excuses ever.

•7:30 PM CST Monday
•7:30 PM CST Tuesday
•7:30 PM CST Thursday

9.  If you could describe yourself in 3 expletives, what would they be?  If you don't know what an expletive is, look it up.  Friendly, dedicated, and prepared are not expletives.

Asshole, POS, jackass


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 08:27:38 PM »
Armory Link brah.
"Sometimes, I think nazgull is on his own planet."


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 09:47:53 PM »
Few things

What kind of DPS do you currently do in a raid environment?
Can you keep up debuffs on bosses without the rogues making fancy little macros to remind you?  ( though I am sure they would anyway )

About your gear.  I saw that you have only been 80 for about a month, and it does look like you have done a lot to gear up quickly.  You've done a pretty good job, I just have a couple questions.

Your helm is not enchanted, nor do you have the rep to enchant it.  You obviously do heroics, do you wear the Ebon Blade tabard when you are in instances?  If not this is something you really need to get.  The helm enchants only require revered, and it shouldn't take you too long to get there.  There are also 3 relatively quick dailies you can do for them to up your rep.

You are using the honored shoulder enchant from Hodir.  Is this faction something you have been working on?

Blue quality gem in your weapon?

I only see 2 actual items that are low, neither of which concern me much.  Trinkets and boots seem to be difficult to come by.  Do you know what you are aiming to put in those slots though?


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 12:11:08 AM »
I hate my two hand wep tyranical beheader im replacing it soon so i will not be wasting around 200 g for cardinal ruby ..i just wont sorry.. next is for my trinks ill get DV i believe soon..hopefully anyway. my helm has a 45 stam enchant on it now cuz of my engineering takes over the mind of anyone to fight with me for like 30 secs or something like that and it works very well. so tht just leaves my shoulders ...yes ive been working on it i should be revered in a day or two to get the chant.


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 12:13:32 AM »
o and i skipped a question i do 5.5k dps to 6.1k dps in icc 10 m and around 6.6k in 25m icc.


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2010, 02:45:27 AM »
get a better spec lol


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Re: Meteoros/80/fury warr
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2010, 04:39:44 PM »
o and i skipped a question i do 5.5k dps to 6.1k dps in icc 10 m and around 6.6k in 25m icc.

3.5k DPS for Marrowgar
3.1k DPS for Lady Deathwhisper attempt 1
3.6K DPS for Lady Deathwhisper (and you died to cleave)
4K    DPS for Saurfang attempt 1
4.5K DPS for Saurfang attempt 2
4.9K DPS for Saurfang attempt 3
4.8K DPS for Saurfang attempt 4

This seems FAR off from the numbers you provided. Were you going on the trash AOE dps you do? IF so, you need to disregard that.  We need people to be in the 6-9K range and most of these fights so far are huge melee fights. We have enough  kids doing 3.8-4.5K DPS and we need more so lets make that happen next raid.

i will not be wasting around 200 g for cardinal ruby ..i just wont sorry..

Bro, you don't have to spend any gold on gems. You can do BGs or use old tokens for gems, so there is no reason not to have a epic gem in that slot.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 04:56:16 PM by nazgull »
"Sometimes, I think nazgull is on his own planet."