Author Topic: fury/prot warrior LF guild  (Read 6729 times)


  • SN Alumnus
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fury/prot warrior LF guild
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:13:11 PM »
1.  What is your gender, age, and real first name?
male, 26, Anthony

2.  What is the name, class, level, and spec of your main?  Please also list any alts you frequently play.
Twonish, warrior, 80, fury/prot

3.  Give us an idea of your prior raid experience in WoW.
10/25 os 10/25 naxx 10/25 ulduar (havent cleared fully in 25) 10/25 ony

4.  Please list your previous guilds and reasons for leaving them.  If you'd prefer to keep the reasons private, please PM the reasons to one of our officers.

I just transfeered to this server. Was in wait list on frostmane

5.  Do you currently have any open applications to other guilds?


6.  Please list any members of Serenity Now that you know.


7. Computer Hardware and Connection.

a. Processor: 3.06 duel core
b. System Ram: 4 gigs
c. Video Card: 1 gig
d. Connection: high speed cable
e. How stable is your internet? Does it disconnect you a lot, or hardly ever?

8.  Do you have a microphone to talk on Ventrilo?

9.  What's your normal playing schedule, and what timezone do you live in?  Can you make all of the following raid times, invites usually go out at 7:00 PM CST (Server Time) with the first pull at 7:30 PM CST. (Our raids generally last 3-4 hours)?
7:30 PM CST Monday
7:30 PM CST Tuesday
7:30 PM CST Thursday
Im good for all those times

10. Gear, Spec., and Professions.

A. Please link your armory so we can see your gear and spec.  You should be wearing your PVE gear and be specced accordingly.  If you are not, please let us know what your PVE gear and spec are like.

B. What are your professions and are the maxed out. If they are not maxed out, then why not?

450 miner and jc

C. Is you gear fully gemmed and enchanted. If not then you should probably do that before you apply.

yes of course it is

11.  Tell us why you want to be a member of SN.

because I was pst by a member of your guild and Im new to this server, dont really know what guilds are good and bad yet.

12.  If you could describe yourself in 3 expletives, what would they be?  If you don't know what an expletive is, look it up.  Friendly, dedicated, and prepared are not expletives.

fuck, shit, up

13.  If your penis/vagina was a WoW zone/instance , what would it be and why?  (Example: The Barrens, because it never gets wet.)

likely the plaguelands cuz I seem to have poor choices in women when the goggles are on

14. If you walked in on your best friend, your brother, and your dog in a Man-Dog-Man train would you still love your best friend?  Your Brother?  Your dog?

I would as long as he got a "I love to fuck poochies" tattoo on his forehead so I could always laugh at him.


  • SN Alumnus
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Re: fury/prot warrior LF guild
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 11:19:40 PM »
Be on tomorrow before invites and we'll see what we can do.


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Re: fury/prot warrior LF guild
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2009, 03:27:27 AM »
Welcome to the guild..