Author Topic: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application  (Read 39812 times)


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Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:57:50 AM »
1.   What is your gender, age, and real first name?


2.  What is the name, class, level, and spec of your main?  Please also list any alts you frequently play.

BombFirst-80-Survival Hunter
Æôñîc-80-Disc/Priest (have holy/shadow gear also)
Dualan-80-Fury Warrior
Ázréííl-80-Fire Mage

3.  Give us an idea of your prior raid experience in WoW.

Raided w/ the priest till 3.1 cleared everything except 10man +3 OS
Have cleared some Uld on the priest/hunter
Quit the game before 3.1 been back for about 2 or 3 weeks now

4.  Please list your previous guilds and reasons for leaving them.  If you'd prefer to keep the reasons private, please PM the reasons to one of our officers.

Hitchhikers Guide-Nordrassil-Horde- Quit the game
Nullref-Nordrassil-Horde- left server to come to Illidan to raid w/ a friend but he rerolled horde

5.  Do you currently have any open applications to other guilds?


6.  Please list any members of Serenity Now that you know.


7. Computer Hardware and Connection.

Dell XPS M1330
a. Processor: 2.4 core duo
b. System Ram: 4gbs
c. Video Card: Nvidia 128 Mobile graphics
d. Connection: wireless in my dorm
e. How stable is your internet? Does it disconnect you a lot, or hardly ever?
 Stable/hardly ever

8.  Do you have a microphone to talk on Ventrilo?


9.  What's your normal playing schedule, and what timezone do you live in?  Can you make all of the following raid times, invites usually go out at 7:00 PM CST (Server Time) with the first pull at 7:30 PM CST. (Our raids generally last 3-4 hours)?

Im on A LOT I can make all your raid times and stay till the end and then some if we have to go longer to clear something else or whatevver

•   7:30 PM CST Monday
•   7:30 PM CST Tuesday
•   7:30 PM CST Thursday

10. Gear, Spec., and Professions.

A. Please link your armory so we can see your gear and spec.  You should be wearing your PVE gear and be specced accordingly.  If you are not, please let us know what your PVE gear and spec are like.ÆôñîcÁzréííl

B. What are your professions and are the maxed out. If they are not maxed out, then why not?

Cuz I have too many

C. Is you gear fully gemmed and enchanted. If not then you should probably do that before you apply.


11.  Tell us why you want to be a member of SN.

I transferred to this server to raid with an old highschool friend (ive been out of school for 4 years) about 2 weeks after I get here, his guild falls apart and he decides to reroll horde. So now I am here after paying 160$ for 4 transfers and 2 faction changes and looking to make it w/o him.

12.  If you could describe yourself in 3 expletives, what would they be?  If you don't know what an expletive is, look it up.  Friendly, dedicated, and prepared are not expletives.

fuck fucking fuck fucking fuck fuck fucking fuck fucking fuck fucking FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13.  If your penis/vagina was a WoW zone/instance , what would it be and why?  (Example: The Barrens, because it never gets wet.)

this is the hardest question on the application… Grizzly Hills- its about time to cut that forrest down again

14. If you walked in on your best friend, your brother, and your dog in a Man-Dog-Man train would you still love your best friend?  Your Brother?  Your dog?

Umm…. Id prally disown my brother and bring my best friend and dog out back behind the shed and show them what a 12 gauge shotty can do


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 12:59:12 AM »
haha i liked the answer to 13



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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 01:14:19 AM »
I think you should punch that friend of your's in the face like 160 times or something.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 01:15:37 AM »


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 01:19:19 AM »
i was seriously thinking about it but hes back in RI and i just moved to Fort Myers like 2 weeks ago and hes a good kid, i needed the change didnt like the drama on the old server it was bad news, now im here so im gona make the best of it.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 01:22:57 AM »
i was seriously thinking about it but hes back in RI and i just moved to Fort Myers like 2 weeks ago and hes a good kid, i needed the change didnt like the drama on the old server it was bad news, now im here so im gona make the best of it.

Oh, haha. Send a missile to him then, that counts as about 160 punches in the face.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 01:39:13 AM »
Are you saying that you wouldnt love your dog afterwards?
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RussBus: plus you cant knock them up


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 01:52:51 AM »
so what char are you wanting to raid with?


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 01:54:32 AM »
fuck no i wouldnt unless i walkd in and he was biting off my brothers/ x best friends dicks

my priest or hunter mostly but whatever is needed in the guild


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 02:10:45 AM »
The fuck is wrong with people that makes them think these kinds of names aren't retarded as shit.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 02:13:23 AM »
idk i was bored


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 03:52:00 AM »


in his defense he did contact me after that and asked if we were considering him or if he should keep looking, and I informed him that nobody said no

but still



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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 03:54:12 AM »
lawl im just trying to raid bro, and if it means spamming trade till i find a raiding guild then thats what i gota do, i transferred to this server less then a week ago i dont know whos who in the raiding community here yet


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 04:19:02 AM »
look at martel acting like he has authority. so cute.

lol grape drank


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 05:23:56 AM »
look at martel acting like he has authority. so cute.

Look at you acting like anyone gives a fuck about you.  So cute.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2009, 05:25:06 AM »
fight fight


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2009, 05:26:51 AM »


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2009, 05:27:23 AM »


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2009, 05:51:23 AM »
soo i understand everyone needs there chance to nerd rage on apps, but is there gona be any imput on like anything wrong with my toons/spec/gear/gems/chants that type of thing or is this becoming like a guild nerd rage thread? should i post a new app to get responses XD


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2009, 06:00:14 AM »
show up to the raid monday and we'll give you a tryout.  send a tell to wimbly and he'll get you in the group

which of those characters did you intend on playing?  the hunter?


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2009, 06:09:07 AM »
ur forums said ur not recruiting hunters i was gona gear him myself w/ pugs i was planning on raiding w/ my priest with your guild. thanks for the tryout guys =D c u monday


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2009, 06:38:24 AM »
ur forums said ur not recruiting hunters i was gona gear him myself w/ pugs i was planning on raiding w/ my priest with your guild. thanks for the tryout guys =D c u monday

SOMEONE READ MY POST?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2009, 06:53:44 AM »
show up to the raid monday and we'll give you a tryout.  send a tell to wimbly and he'll get you in the group

which of those characters did you intend on playing?  the hunter?

Yea message me between 6:30~7:15 there is no way in hell i'm deciphering the fucking keystrokes for your name.


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2009, 07:02:45 AM »
yeah that name took me like 45 mins to work out xD but thanks again and i will be there


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Re: Bombfirst/Æôñîc/Dualan/Ázréííl application
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2009, 08:07:58 AM »
ur forums said ur not recruiting hunters i was gona gear him myself w/ pugs i was planning on raiding w/ my priest with your guild. thanks for the tryout guys =D c u monday

SOMEONE READ MY POST?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

You have a post for apps? Never noticed... Can I has a link?