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Messages - iaredruid

on: March 16, 2010, 05:59:38 AM 1 World of Warcraft / Old Apps / Re: iaredruid resto druid apppppppp

dude i was pretty fuckin drunk when i apped sorry if i missed a question

on: March 13, 2010, 09:33:54 AM 2 World of Warcraft / Old Apps / Re: iaredruid resto druid apppppppp

hahaha sorry  im dedicated for sure
i dont even know what that means but
im friendly loyal dedicated i enjoy raiding
and also hope i can bring some help and usefull skill to the guild ;)

on: March 13, 2010, 09:07:47 AM 3 World of Warcraft / Old Apps / iaredruid resto druid apppppppp

1.  What is your gender, age, and real first name?

2.  What is the name, class, level, and spec of your main and Armory Link. Please also list any alts you frequently play.
iaredruid,80,druid,resto,os is feral deeps

3.  Give us an idea of your prior raid experience in WoW.
ive raided lvl 70 shit all majorstuff all 80 stuff in 80 up to icc 6th boss and sindra

4.  Please list your previous guilds and reasons for leaving them.  If you'd prefer to keep the reasons private, please PM the reasons to one of our officers.
frigid shit got fucked up cant remember rest
5.  Please list any members of Serenity Now that you know.
knew sidfarkus

6. Computer Hardware and Connection.

a. Processor:t3400 2.16 ghz/667 mhz fsb 1mb l2 cache oon laptop wtf that is
b. System Ram: 3 gigs on laptop
c. Video Card: not sure
d. Connection: good internet
e. How stable is your internet? Does it disconnect you a lot, or hardly ever? its good

7.  Do you have a microphone to talk on Ventrilo?

8.  Can you make all of the following raid times, invites usually go out at 7:00 PM CST (Server Time) with the first pull at 7:30 PM CST. (Our raids generally last 3-4 hours)?

•7:30 PM CST Monday
•7:30 PM CST Tuesday
•7:30 PM CST Thursday
9.  If you could describe yourself in 3 expletives, what would they be?  If you don't know what an expletive is, look it up.  Friendly, dedicated, and prepared are not expletives.

friendly,loyal,love my girlfriend :P

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