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Topics - Bawlingheals

on: December 19, 2009, 12:40:46 AM 1 World of Warcraft / Old Apps / Bawlingheals Holy/Ret pally app

1.  What is your gender, age, and real first name?


2.  What is the name, class, level, and spec of your main (Armory Link Preferred)?  Please also list any alts you frequently play.

Main: Bawlingheals, level 80 Holy/Ret pally
While in my ret gear im sitting at around 4.4k AP, hit and expertised capped and 32% crit

3.  Give us an idea of your prior raid experience in WoW.

Burning Crusade: I raided on my fury warrior back then while in karazhan/gruuls/mags but switched to my pally to heal end game content up to Illidan in BT.

Wotlk: I went back to the warrior for naxx but switched mains again for Ulduar, ToC and ToGC. Ive cleared all the content avaliable except heroic anub on 10 and 25 but i know every encounter inside and out.

4.  Please list your previous guilds and reasons for leaving them.  If you'd prefer to keep the reasons private, please PM the reasons to one of our officers.
Rakicide: I have alot of friends in Rakicide and had a near 100% raid attendance while in the guild but i went social because the stress of 20 hour a week raid schedules got to me and i retired. I've decided i went to get back into raiding on a more casual schedule and you guys seemed pretty friendly from what ive read on the forums so i decided to app here.

5.  Please list any members of Serenity Now that you know.
As of now, none.

6. Computer Hardware and Connection.

a. Processor: AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core Processor 2.20 Ghz
b. System Ram: 3 GB
c. Video Card: not sure
d. Connection: DSL
e. How stable is your internet? Does it disconnect you a lot, or hardly ever?
My internet is pretty great stability wise. I rare if ever get disconnected during fights and i heal through fights like Faction Champs with ease.

7.  Do you have a microphone to talk on Ventrilo?
yes and yes

8.  Can you make all of the following raid times, invites usually go out at 7:00 PM CST (Server Time) with the first pull at 7:30 PM CST. (Our raids generally last 3-4 hours)?
Yes your raid times are perfect for me because they also match my local time.

•7:30 PM CST Monday
•7:30 PM CST Tuesday
•7:30 PM CST Thursday

9.  If you could describe yourself in 3 expletives, what would they be?  If you don't know what an expletive is, look it up.  Friendly, dedicated, and prepared are not expletives.
ThunderYOU CAN'T SAY THAT, Moldy Twat and Dirty Sanchez

Another thing about my app is I'm currently a Horde pally on Turalyon so i would need some time to xfer and such. Feel free to hit me up if you need any more info or have any questions about my app. Thanks again :)

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